
The Law Office of Karen Bower

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You are not alone. In any given year, approximately 20% of Americans ages 18 and older will experience a mental health problem.  27% of students between the ages of 18 and 24 have a diagnosable mental illness. Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and other major illnesses may first become apparent during the college years. Last year, about 16% of college men and 33% of college women were diagnosed with anxiety, and 14% of college men and 25% of college women were diagnosed with or treated for depression.

Students with a mental illness, or who express suicidal ideation or other self-injurious thoughts may face disciplinary action or find themselves suspended from school or placed on involuntary leave of absence.  Accommodations which may enable them to remain in school and succeed may be denied.

When denied reasonable accommodations, or faced with disciplinary action, suspension or involuntary leave of absence, you need assistance to assert your rights from an attorney knowledgeable about disability discrimination, students’ rights, and education law.

Your college career does not have to end here.  Whether you want to pursue an internal appeal, file an administrative complaint, or bring a lawsuit to vindicate your rights, I can help you evaluate your options and find a solution that works for you.